Monday, July 5, 2010

Love in the Dark

I want to be brave. Brave like the girl who glows love from her face. Who doesn't shy away from new things or new people or things that come up that change her plans and foil her carefully laid schedule. Brave like the girl who opens her arms wide to dissappoinment when it comes because love from the Father's hand is love in any form, even the form that speaks of dying before living. Dying so that the living can come. Sometimes the dying of one or two dreams lay ashes down that form the foundation, the very bottom layer, of suprises too good for guessing. Suprises that eternity keeps secret even thought it knows and is bursting to tell but for the look on the Great Surpriser's face. He sees what the girl cannot and He urges her to hope. He wills her to be brave. Not only because He knows how much she wants to be called by that name, but because He knows that what lies ahead of her will break her heart for love and build it again for love and for love, one must be brave. For now, love is in the waiting and the hoping and the silence. For now, love is in the dark. It will not always be so, but while it is there, so will I be. And He with me.

1 comment:

  1. Letting go is torture. We are asked to trust and hope in the etherial Promise. Funny how our kung-fu grip on the things that bring us "security" amount to nothing more than disappointment and despair. But God's promises are eternal and He never fails us. Praying for you friend.
