Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Land Between

I'm reading a fantastic book right now. It's called The Land Between by Jeff Manion. The land between is a wilderness, a desert, a transition. A place potentially full of discouragement, anxiety, fear. An unknown. It's also a place where the ground is perfect for growing new things. Where truth finally has a chance to reach down to the roots and grow trust and hope, maybe for the first time.

In the land between, everything is stripped away. We get down to the bare bones of who we are, what we're about, where we're heading. The children of Israel made their choice in their land between. They chose to believe God had ripped them off. They walled themselves off in their wilderness. He couldn't change their minds. He tried.

How can I make a different choice in my land between? My answer is in Deut. 1:28-33. He carried them in His arms like a father carries his son all the way they went. But still, they didn't trust Him.

In my desert, in my wilderness, in my land between, I will be like Israel in His arms.

My roots will grow in Him.

And I will trust my Father.

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