Thursday, May 31, 2012


My brother took this picture of my sister and I last week.  I was fortunate enough to get to tag along with the Cushman family on their visit to Madera to spend some time with Josh and Sara and their little ones.  Usually when I tell someone that I have a twin sister, the question immediately follows, "So are you guys identical?" After 29 years of being twins, we still don't know the answer.  It is and has always been a mystery.  Most of the time when people ask me the question, I will do two things: 1) pull out the picture of Kimberly that I keep tucked away in my wallet (she laughs at me for this) and 2) share with the viewer my strong opinion that I do not think we are identical.  And usually the viewer is very quick to disagree with me.  I will say, though, that in light of the picture above, I would be tempted to consider the possibility that it may be true.  What do you think?