Friday, September 30, 2011

The Way

Sometimes I get sidetracked on my way to God.

Old patterns of striving instead of being honest. Effort instead intimacy.

Playing in mud puddles under the weight of His glory.

Missing the point of it all.

God is love. He values love. He paid a great price for love.

What if, in my relationship with Him, I valued love above all else?

Love is a force to be reckoned with.

It moves everything it touches.

It moved Him to me even when I had broken His heart.

It moves me to Him in response.

Love is not the easy way.

But it's His way.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Kitchen Truth

I was driving down a road today, wrestling old questions I haven't asked in a while. I wanted answers. They didn't come. Still I told Him at the bottom of the hill I will trust You. Words to pin my opponent. Later, standing in my kitchen, somewhere between my microwave and refridgerator, a thought lodged it's way in to me, past all that doubt and lament: He knows what's best for me. That's the answer to my question. That's why I can trust Him fully and with confidence in His goodness. It is the Father's nature to love, protect, and provide for the child. Me. You.