Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Day Planner

A new week. I have my handy dandy day planner beside me, given to me by my good friend Camille, along with my newly purchased colored pens. So not only do I get to make my daily, weekly, and monthly lists of things to do, but I get to make my lists in color. How exciting.

I never thought of myself as the day planner type. People who have day planners, according to my perception and observation, are generally 1) busy, 2) organized, 3) fiscally responsible, 4) type A personalities. I guess I don't see myself this way. Or maybe I just don't want to see myself this way. Maybe what I really want is to see myself as the free-spirited, hippy type who goes where the wind blows and pities those who must consult their planners before making decisions, appointments, and committments.

The truth is I really like having a day planner. I admit it. I love checking things off the lists I create. I love productivity. I love my new colored pens. I guess it's not so bad to be a little bit organized and maybe make a budget every now and then. Who knows, mayble I'll even do my taxes before April 14th this year. And there are definitely perks to being busy. Having friends, for one thing. Making plans with friends, that's pretty great too (after checking my availability, of course).

Nevertheless, I will take comfort in one small fact. At this point I still do not know whether or not day planner is one word or two, or if a hyphen is required. A small comfort. If you know, please don't tell me.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Tunnel

i have been trying to write these kid's stories. devotionals. in the stories, i'm supposed to show rather than tell. use analogies. word pictures. things like that. when i say i have been trying to write them, what i mean to say is i have been trying to think of ideas so i can write them. i'm finding ideas are hard to come by. on my way home from work today, while making a good effort to discipline my thoughts towards the tiny tunnel opening where all the good ideas are hiding out, apparently, i had another kind of thought that was not an idea at all.

shawna, there must be something wrong with you. you have no ideas. that is bad.

sometimes trying to be a writer is exciting, when effort shapes something out of nothing. you look at it and you like what you see. other times, it's more like staring at a blob of clay that refuses to bend to your touch. or worse, it's like staring at a spinning wheel while it spins, no clay in sight.

i am learning, though. and it's an important lesson to learn.

try again tomorrow.