Tuesday, August 14, 2012

91 W

I'm so thankful for the 91 freeway.

What's even more astounding, I'm so thankful for traffic on the 91 freeway.

For some reason, the 91 freeway is where the clutter is cleared from my mind. I can see past the cobwebs. I can hear God better.

Recently, I made the trek from Riverside to Orange County on a particularly traffic-y day to the welcome accompaniment of newly discovered worship songs.

I sat there in my car thinking about how grateful I am for my church and my job and my friends. For getting to play music. For a new nephew on the way. For so many things. And for some reason, still, my heart felt broken for reasons I've named before.

There comes a point in time when you just have to choose what your answer's going to be. I once heard someone refer to it as the bottom line. What's your bottom line? And what's your answer going to be when you get there?

Faithful. That was my answer. God, more than anything I just want to be faithful to you. Through many tears, that was my answer to the bottom line.

I drove on not saying anything, just listening to the music. A song came on, one of the ones I just recently found and instantly loved. Its called Great I Am by New Life Worship. I sang along as much as my memorization would let me. By the time the song reached the bridge, I was a blubbery mess.

Thankfully, by this time traffic had slowed us all to single digit mph and I was able to see brake lights through my blurred vision. The song is about how big and good and worthy God is. I felt like it was His way of telling me that His intention towards me is the same as my intention towards Him. Faithfulness. Except His intention is more than just intention because He is God. Faithfulness is His promise.

I sang along with the rest of the song the best I could, my face wet and my voice barely able to get the words out. I was overwhelmed by the goodness and kindness of God. Overwhelmed that He would meet me there in that moment, through my love language: a song.

At my bottom line, on the 91 West, I encountered the faithfulness of God.   


  1. I cried, found the song on youtube, and added it as a new pandora station. I am eager to see God's faithfulness unfold in a particular way. And I realize that my birthday present for you is all wrong. It's not a song, but I do love you. PS how do you find all your good music? Can you please share with me?

  2. Not to worry...I have multiple love languages. Music, sushi, whatever you got me for our birthday that is four months away. And I came upon that song after hours of research. The funnest kind of research I know. I'll make you a cd. And thank you for everything you say to me in comments to my blog and in person. You're the best. Seriously.
