Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Parking Lot Thoughts

I don't know about you, but I opened my front door this morning to an unfamiliar world of cold and fog. It was a welcome change. The calm white chill in the air whispered forgotten words to me with its stillness: all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well in the hands of God.

I don't know about you, but I desperately needed some perspective this morning. I needed Truth to pierce between my bone and marrow, between my circumstances and reality. I needed to see what is really going on here. It didn't happen right away. In fact, it wasn't until later in the morning when I was walking through parking lots, of all things, that I started thinking.

This is what came of it:

1. Hope in God
2. Don't Complain
3. Be thankful for little things
4. Believe truth, not feelings
5. Remember loving is never a bad idea

Sometimes simplicity is best. It can help to clear away the fog, so to speak.

(I should mention, the calm white chill bore a striking resemblance to Julian of Norwich.)

1 comment:

  1. Definately have the cold, rain, fog, here as well. Though I usually prefer summer of all seasons, the change was much welcomed in our home yesterday too! I kicked back with a warm mug of Chai tea (as much as one with kids running around the house kicks back :))
    I love you!
